Thanks to our student volunteers, Adi, Anya, Ara, Emily, Emmy, Elliot, Ezra, Kate, Maddie, Payson, and Rebecca for getting to know our cats and then writing these paw-some profiles.
Meet Dwight, an adorable 3 year old Siamese mix. Those eyes just make you melt, right? Dwight has had it rough, but he was ready for his forever home. He was attacked by a coyote needing many months of treatment, but he’s a resilient one! He doesn’t mind being around other cats and is curious about them. He’s a little on the shy side but quickly came out of shell for human pets and love! He is now the star of many Instagram videos where he shows off his play talents, bird-watching ability, and negotiation skills in getting fed early.
Banner & Anthem
This beautiful and friendly bonded pair of orange cats are 2 years old and were born on the 4th of the July; hence, they were named Banner (green/black collar) and Anthem (red/blue collar). Their original owner died last year. They were first in a foster home, then were our inaugural cats, and are now living their best life in their forever home. They are both playful, affectionate, and curious, welcoming all the other cats in the cafe. Banner is clearly the leader and is protective of his brother. Watching them clean each other was one of the highlights of our year.
This playful and friendly 5 year old boy was found as a stray by a woman from Bangladesh and was consequently named Kamalo, which means orange. Kamalo jumped right into the cafe environment, exploring and showing off his vocal skills. His unique coloring and patterns attracted the attention of several of our visitors and photographers. Turned out he was lost and reunited with his original owner!!!
Tora is a 2 year old who came to us from PAWS Wakefield. She was found living outdoors and was taken by a foster who gave her the name Tora (Tiger in Japanese) and really helped her come out of her shell. Her coloring and markings are simply gorgeous. She loves being pet, playing with her string and ball, and has done really well meeting new people. She and her new mom bonded instantly and she now has claimed the bed for herself!
It’s amazing that this little ball of orange fluff was left out on the streets. He earned his name when he came here and burrowed in between the couch cushions - just like a Cheez-It! He is the softest thing ever, loves pets, and he still very shy. He should undoubtedly become the spokescat for the Cheez-It brand! He’s now known as Tigger in his furr-ever home with his new buddy Sully.
This friendly and outgoing boy was surrendered along with his sister Tukka. His awesome foster mom really helped him shine and discover his playful side. When he got here, he bounded right out of the quarantine room and right into cafe life - full of confidence, playfulness, and adventure. He became famous for his amazing ear tufts and is now living the life in his new home with his new BFF.
Simba was surrendered along with his housemate who has since been adopted. He comes to us from PALS where he has been living in the PetSmart adoption center. He appeared tentative at first, but this 8 year old sweetie is sleek, playful, and loving. Simba quicky showed off his climbing skills and is now conquering new heights in his forever home!
Northstar is a 3 year old cat who was found on the streets of Peabody and brought to us by PAWS. This local beauty is playful, energetic, and affectionate. When he arrived at the cafe, he couldn’t wait to get out to meet everyone and explore (he literally tried to twist open the doorknob!) Northstar really enjoyed playing with the mouse toys, because it brought out his hunting instincts and gives him exercise. He is now thriving in his new home where he gets showered with love and new toys.
Quby is a sweet and friendly boy somewhere in the 5 year old range. He and his housemate (who has since been adopted) were surrendered to PALS in Salem, where he developed quite a fan club at the PetSmart. Within 15 minutes of arriving at the cafe, he was climbing on the lap of our volunteer and licking her. Quby took his meds for anemia like a champ, has spent a lot of time exploring the cafe, and was known as our comfort cat, helping other shy cats like Moonbeam and Clooney get more confident. He is now known as Atticus in his new home where he is getting spoiled and showing off his mischievous personality!
Joey is a sweet 3 year old boy who comes to us from PALS Animal Life Savers in Salem. He was found as a stray in Everett and spent 3 weeks at the PetSmart adoption center before coming to us. He doesn’t like to venture far from his resting place but adores being pet. He likes sharing a Churo with his friend, Ice.
Thumbelina is a one year old bundle of love. She’s so friendly, playful, and always looking for human attention. Her coloring and markings are remarkable when you see them in person. This solo princess has found her special person and is now living it up in her new pad.
Jetset is a friendly, loving guy who loves pets. He is a 6 year old boy who is very cuddly and is FIV+. That doesn’t stop him from being a very friendly cat who will sit on your lap and wait for you to pet him. Found in a dumpster, he was pretty beat up by some other cats and rescued by PAWS Wakefield. He got the care that he needed, sadly having most of his teeth removed by the dentist. Jetset is a lap cat and wants nothing more than your love. You can find him sitting in the sunlight next to the window. He won the heart of many visitors and is now living it up in his forever home with his new adventure buddy.
Bonita is the sweetest and softest 3 year old girl who was found as a stray and brought to us by PALS. As a princess tortie, she requires regular brushing and admiration. She was a little tentative and shy at first, but loved to be pet and kept coming for more! On her 2nd day here, she was climbing in the lap of a volunteer. On the 3rd, she was adopted!
Bubbles came to us from PALS after being surrendered along with her sibling who has since been adopted. True to her name, the minute she arrived, she began showing off her bubbly, friendly, and energetic personality. She also has the loveliest meow that sounds like she’s saying “no”, but it seems to mean, “give me more pets!” She and her new owner instantly bonded and living the sweet life.
Baldwin is a 3 year old bundle of fluff and energy. He is incredibly friendly and playful, with seemingly endless energy to play wand and jump around. He especially loves playing with other cats. True to his Maine Coon breed, he loves water and played in the sink incessantly. He now is having many adventures in his new home with his new friend on….wait for it….Baldwin Road!
Very presidential, right? This 8 year old boy was surrendered recently when his owner sadly passed away. He’s a bit on the shy side, but once he gets comfortable he loves head butts and playing with a wand. He really enjoys catnip, petting, and comes really close to your face asking for love. He’s doing great in his new forever home and is digging his new name: Goose!
Our first girl in the cafe, Piper is approximately a one year old, who was found as a stray looking for food from a dumpster. It turns out she was pregnant and after a rough childbirth, had a kaleidoscope of kittens, all of which have been adopted. PALS Animal LIfesavers based in Salem have brought her to us after helping her through her pregnancy and recovery. For now, she’s just a little hesitant around the other boys. Piper is FIV+ which until recently has been a huge stigma, but recent research has shown that FIV+ cats can lead normal lives and can only pass it to other cats through deep wounds and bites. At times, she craves affection, but at other times, she wants to be left alone.
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can teach a new cat plenty. Ice was a helpful little fella who’s always doing his best to make sure work gets done. Always trying to get in on the latest happenings, he appreciatedlove and attention just as much as he does a good work ethic. Maybe try not to let him help with dinner though - unless you’re a fan of eating cat food. He went to his forever home with his best buddy Lord Purrington.
Lord Purrington
By some miracle of nature, this poor guy was found starving by the Purrington family. While unfortunately he suffers from anemia and a possible developmental issue, he’s still a lovebug who will always accept a nice snuggle. He may start out a little shy, but once he’s gotten used to you he’ll be sweeter than a spoonful of sugar! A comfy box to rest in, some fishy treats and a cuddle is all this little black fuzzball needs. He went to a forever home, along with his best friend Ice.
Chessie is our spunky, friendly Persian cat whose face is sure to make you smile. He is 3 years old and was surrendered after his previous owner passed away. He loves playtime and attention, especially being brushed. Chessie needs an adopter with previous experience with Persians, as he will need a special grooming regimen with multiple brushings and face cleanings each day. The hard work pays off and he will certainly thank you with plenty of nuzzles and purrs.
Mighty Mittens
Mighty Mittens is a very playful cat, yet loves pets from humans at the cafe! Mighty Mittens doesn’t really like getting pet in the back, but he instead loves being pet in the front plus giving head butts. He’s one right now and is very excited to see the other cats. Mighty Mittens loves to play with the mouse toy that’s in the room. He’s mostly very soft and will not stop asking for pets like Bubbles who has since been adopted. He enjoys wrestling and playing tag with his best buddy Chips Ahoy.
Thor is new 2 year boy who came from PALS in Salem. Thor is a very playful cat and likes to jump. At first he is very shy but he warms up to people super quick. He is also gray but his belly has stripes. Thor also likes cozy small places to cuddle up in. Thor doesn't like treats but he loves lots of pets..
Chips Ahoy
This handsome 1 year old comes to us from the Friends of Beverly Animals. He was rescued along with his mom and siblings, who have all since been adopted. Chips Ahoy was extremely shy at first and preferred you stare at him endlessly and admire his beauty than try to pet him. Moonbeam has been a buddy to him helping him feel more confident Chips can now be regularly found hanging out in the window with Ice, playing tag with Mighty Mittens, or even accepting a treat from a visitor. He enjoys wrestling and playing tag with his friend Mighty Mittens.
Shy little 1 year old Giulia (pronounced like Julia) mostly keeps to herself, keeping a close eye on the world outside her little comfy corner. Come to her with a brush, however, and she’ll be your best friend in an instant. Wriggling and rolling onto her back, softly purring like a little motor in the cutest little car. Once you’ve won her over with brushes, she’ll graciously accept petting, scritches, and head rubs. Plus, a good squeezy treat is all you need to really let her come out of her shell, at least until the snacks run dry. Giulia has been the protege of fellow newcomer Misu, and is looking for a human to make her own protege out of.
Mr. Pickles
Mr. Pickles is a friendly 2 year old boy who was surrendered to PALS and has recently joined our cafe. He’s pretty shy so far, but is accepting pets and Churros! He likes to hide in different spots, even including the sink at one point! If you can find his hiding spot, he will reward you with love. Mr. Pickles really enjoys Churos, preferring them to most other treats.
Kinsie is a beautiful 5 yo girl surrendered to PALS along with her housemates when her owner could not longer care for them. She’s a bit more on the shy side, but is very active, loves pets and being brushed!
Rocky isn’t like most cats. Most cats are stereotyped as being sort of aloof and distant, but Rocky is always there to see what you’re up to. His ears are always on the lookout for any sounds, and if that sound happens to be a human, he’s always ready to greet them. Adding to his uniqueness, he is polydactyl, which gives him an extra toe bean on his front paws. Very vocal with his cheeps and chirps, there’s more personality stuffed into this cutie pie than cherries in a cherry pie, and more than enough love to make anyone’s heart melt. While not the biggest fan of playing, he will still sit and stare at whatever you may be trying to make him play with. He does, however, enjoy catnip and any toys that make noise. Rocky would prefer to snuggle down with his favorite person and rub his face against yours while waiting for pats. He’s also a massive fan of Churus, preferring the fishy ambrosia to any normal cat treat. A truly high-class kitty.
A veteran of the pregnancy game, 6 year old Misu’s had her fair share of giving attention to other cats, and has now decided that it’s her turn to be loved. With an adorable little hop, skip, and a jump, she puts herself in the spotlight… Then struggles to stay in it. Despite wriggling around and shoving her face into your hand, make no mistake, she loves pats and rubs as much as any other kitty. The real challenge is getting her to sit still! She’s taken fellow newcomer Giulia under her wing (paw?) as of late, patiently waiting for someone to do the same with her. Misu has been approved for adoption and will going to her forever home in the next few weeks.
Adam is a young 2 year old lad at heart, full of playful energy and love. He’s very obsessed with affection and fun, dropping everything to turn all attention to a jingling bell or even a squeaky floorboard. He’s a fluffy ball of fire and slappies, but will absolutely love to be scratched and petted. Love, love, and love is his favorite thing, flopping over onto his back and looking upside-down at you practically shouting right at you to scritch his chin. A shame he’s got to take breaks to eat, eh?
This amazing 7 year old boy was surrendered to PALS along with his housemates Shaylee and Kinsie, who was adopted, when his owner could no longer care for them. He is super friendly and has already shown off his climbing skills while also showing love to anyone who sits down. He will sit down and not let you get up until he wants you to. Jacks has been approved for adoption recently, and will be going to his forever home in the next week.
Heidi is an energetic, loving, and adventurous 1 year old female kitty, who came to the cafe from PALS Animal Life Savers, after she had given birth to a litter of kittens and her family could no longer care for her. She’s not afraid of heights, and loves to climb and lounge in a cat tree, where she might take a nap and let you shower her with love and pets. Heidi loves to play with people; her favorite activities include chasing toys on wands and pouncing on anything that moves! This sweet girl is skeptical with other felines, yet she adores attention and love from people.
While 1 and a half year old Eddie may be getting adopted in only a week or so, that doesn’t mean he isn’t excited to meet new people! A playful little fireball packed full to the brim with energy, Eddie will roll around and play for hours at a time, his glimmering jade eyes never losing their spark. While he can be a little prickly and snappy at times, he never means any true harm to anyone, he’s just a little oblivious and airheaded. When playtime is over, he likes curling up in the highest point he can find, waiting until his next playmate comes along.
As elusive as the mythical critter she’s named after, this young mother was rescued by PAWS as a stray and has since become our little passion project. Starting out hiding in seemingly impossible places, she’s slowly coming out of her shell and is making progress towards seeing the world. Over the course of several weeks, we’ve gotten her to start coming out of her hidey holes more often and to start returning blinks and squints. Hopefully, though chasing wand toys and helpful volunteers, she’ll be confident enough to find herself a place in the big wide world.
Shaylie is a Peterbald - put simply, she has next to no fur. This makes them a rather high maintenance kitty. As a result, she needs a weekly bath and to be rubbed down with a moist towelette or baby wipe thrice a day (If you’re doing it wrong, they’ll start getting a little pimply). Their lack of fur also can make them susceptible to sunburns and cold temperatures - so bring a sweater for them. Despite their unique appearance, Shaylie does love spending time staring out windows and burrowing herself into blanket piles. Petting a hairless cat can feel strange at first, but they love the attention nonetheless. Evident of this is her love of toys on strings and an obsession with curling up in laps, being a total lovebug despite her silly appearance. Just give her a warm blanket to get wrapped up in and she’ll be your best friend.
Clooney is a 5 year old male cat who came to the cafe after being rescued by PALS Animal Lifesavers who discovered he was living in a cage for several years. Since then, this shy, soft spoken boy has grown to tolerate affection from visitors, willingly eating treats from their hands. A fellow cat at the cafe, Quby (since adopted) took Clooney under his wing and greatly helped boost the scared kitty’s confidence. The shy cat volunteer specialists also played a major role in helping Clooney overcome his fears. Just recently, he reached a milestone after jumping up on a volunteer’s lap for snuggles! Clooney enjoys playing with catnip sacks, and is now accepting pets and love from people at the cafe.
Luna Lovegood
This adorable 7-month-old named Luna loves to curl up right on your lap as soon as you sit down and never let you go. When Luna came to us from PALS after being rescued from a rough situation and spayed, she weighed just 3.8 pounds. Within a month she was up to almost 7 pounds and was cleared to go to her forever home (with one of our volunteers!)
This fluffy kitty’s story is sure to melt your heart. Morty was rescued by PALS as a stray and slowly regained his health. After he came to the cafe, he became bonded with another cat named Pixie, who recently got adopted. After Pixie left, Morty hasn’t been himself and might get a bit feisty if given too many cuddles. Morty is a year and a half old who loves to nap in his bed and accepts gentle head scratches. Despite mourning over the loss of his furry friend, Morty likes to show his spicy personality by playing with catnip toys!! He will be going to his furr-ever home in the next few weeks!
Maisy came into the cafe super shy and scared after giving birth to kittens. After a few weeks of attention by our shy cat specialists, Maisy started to thrive, exploring more, embracing tummy rubs, and asking for pets. Before long, she was coming up to welcome visitors and showing off her crazy play skills.
Mr. Mugsy
Mugsy is a young, steadfast survivor who fended by himself for 6 weeks after his owner passed, until he was found and recovered by PALS Animal Lifesavers. He was cleaned, given a lion cut and promptly began exploring to his heart’s content. A true wild thing, his big eyes are always looking around to see whatever he can see, intrigued in just about anything… But especially snuggles! Always up for some affection, he’ll graciously accept anyone laying beside him to give pats to their heart’s content. Of course, as a Persian kitty, he needs some extra care and cleaning to keep his wrinkly little face healthy. This lovebug (lovemug?) is a real delight.
Who’s got so much energy? Meet Fabio, a 3 year old stray who was rescued by PALS. He’s curious about everything and loves to run around the cafe looking for his next playmate. Best of all, he’s also a cuddlebug and will climb all over you….he’s even been known to lick our faces!
Lily Potter
This stunning 9-year-old cat is the perfect combination of friendly, playful, and cozy! You may find her napping near her bonded companion, Ollivander, in a level of their cat tree, or watching other cats play. She is a caring, social cat despite the fact that they were both surrendered to PALS, and likes to join in playtime with Maisie, especially if wand toys are involved.
This enchanting feline can’t wait to help pick out the right magical wand for you! Ollivander is 3 years old and was surrendered to PAWS along with his housemate Lily Potter, who he is best-bonded-buddies with. Although he is on the shy side, after you exchange a few blinks he will come right down from his cat tree and let you pet his adorably soft fur. Although his namesake’s job was selling wands, Ollivander prefers to play with them.
Garfield is a delightful, easygoing 2 year old boy who was surrendered to PALS. True to his name, he sometimes wants nothing more than to chill on the couch, keeping an eye open for a chance to play with a wand. When he decides it’s time to play, he leaps from his comfy space and immediately joins in on a game, rolling around on the floor displaying his adorable belly. Surprisingly, he hasn’t yet discovered the magic of lasagna.
Meet Ziggy, an adorable 11 month old who was surrendered to PAWS due to a family member’s allergy to cats. Full of curiosity and love, this dauntless boy is constantly running around the room, leaving no corner unexplored. As soon as he arrived, he was already getting up and trying to escape from the quarantine room! Never a moment’s rest, Ziggy is always exploring new things, such as a wand toy or even a trash can. His boundless energy will leave you stunned, as well as his loving, affectionate and social nature.
Binx is a cute 14 year old bundle of joy. He will surprise you when you see him because he looks young but really is the oldest cat here! Binx was in the same household as Jacks, Kinsie and Shaylee, but was surrendered after them. Binx arrived on a cold Thursday morning in December. He is not a shy cat, and wants a lot of attention. Binx will surely make you fall in love with his adorable meows. Active and playful, Binx always walks around you for more pets and looking for new games to play! You will love what a little fluffy cat he is.
Meet this fuzzy little love bug. Arlo is a friendly cat and loves attention but the best part is that he loves to play with wands. He is a bit nervous so he may hiss at you or growl until he warms up. His owner couldn’t take care of him anymore because they were moving and it just didn’t work out. He comes here at 6 yrs old but he’s very soft. He would like to have a new home with a loving owner!
Prince is a 5 year old boy with the sweetest face and a lot of love to give. In the last few months, this charmer has been through a lot, abandoned and left to fend for himself. During his tme outside, he got a severe ear injury and got FIV, most likely through a deep bite. Although timid and anxious, he is getting more curious and confident each day, enjoying chin scritches from volunteers.
I’m Boz, a 2.5 year old creamsicle and just as sweet. I’m a voracious eater (of my food and yours) and will help lick the plates in your sink. I have a lot of energy and love to play with mice, catnip, dust bunnies, it doesn’t matter. I’ve just started cuddling up in a lap or napping next to people. I am FIV+ but not to worry. Recent research shows it can only be transmitted through a deep bite usually outdoors. With the right diet and regular vet visits, I’m sure to live a long life of adventures with you.
Bailey is an incredibly friendly 11 year old boy who adores attention and cuddles. He loves it when you offer him a wand toy! Just wait until the treats come out! He moved into the cafe along with his littermate brother, Remy, when their owner had to move into nursing care and sadly couldn’t take them with her. He is very sweet, accepting everyone’s love in the cafe. Bailey was diabetic, but he is now in remission!
Remy is a social and affectionate 11 year old boy, who just wants all your love! He especially likes when you sit at his office table under the Chonky Cat sign and offer some gentle scratches. When the treats come out, he’ll gladly eat his share, and even look for more afterwards! He moved into the cafe along with his littermate brother, Bailey, when their owner had to move into nursing care and sadly couldn’t take them with her. Remy is diabetic, but takes his insulin like a pro!
Niña is an affectionate 6 year old girl who was surrendered to PALS when her owners could no longer keep her. After a couple of months in a cage, all she wants is love. We think she was a yoga teacher in a past life because when she head-butts you, she picks up her leg in a 3 legged dog pose. She is also slowly learning the joy of jumping in a lap. Because of her asthma, Niña spent a few weeks with Uri and Cora at their home while she learned to use an inhaler before going to her new home.
Behold our latest creamsicle cat! Archie is a 2 year old ball of energy that was rescued as a stray by PALS Animal Lifesavers. He wants nothing more than attention, pets….and LOTS of playtime whether it be with a wand or ball. He can be a bit timid at first around new humans or cats but is slowly getting braver. Archie has an approved adopter and will be going to his furr-ever home at the end of June.
Shaggy is a two year old ball of fluff and adventure who came to us with his bonded partner Scooby, who tragically passed away. Rescued as ferals, Shaggy and Scooby took a while to warm up and get more confident, but protected and cleaned each other through it all. When Shaggy entered the general cafe, his confidence grew exponentially wrestling with other cats, interacting with visitors, and getting into all sorts of mischief. When he’s not playing, you can see him imitating an owl monitoring his surroundings or sleeping upside down with his cute fang showing.
Willow is a fun-loving cat. Willow was a stray and lost an eye because of an infection, but she still is an amazing, wonderful cat with a joyful spirit. At 9 months old, Willow is energetic and playful. She loves to run around and is always ready to have a good time and reminds me of an energetic puppy. Willow will be joined in her furr-ever home with another one-eyed cat!
Meet Casper the Friendly....CAT! Casper is an extremely adorable five-year old cat that is as white as snow and sweet as sugar. He is quickly warming up to his new environment and is so happy to be here after a difficult journey. He is very special - he is our only all-white cat since Ice got adopted in July! Casper's the type of cat you will love within seconds of meeting. When the mood strikes, he will play with toys and wands and will curl up for a nap when he needs a break. Casper is as calm as can be and enjoys having people around to keep him company. Casper’s fur is so soft! Give him some gentle pets on his head to get his tail thumping! Casper has an approved adopter and will be going to his furr-ever home in a few weeks!
Meet Fluffy, a friendly 2 year old ball of fur that is sure to steal your attention. She may seem cautious at first, but she’s sure to warm up to you quickly. Right now, she enjoys playing with the fabric wand for hours on end. She will eat any treats you give her and soaks up all the pets and love she can get.
12 year old Moonbeam had been surrendered to PAWS Wakefield in 2021 due to medical issues. Thanks to their amazing and generous care, he received treatment for his thyroid as well as very extensive and expensive surgery to remove teeth. He was then fostered for a year prior to coming to the cafe. Moonbeam started out quite shy and was known for being the “comfort cat” for anxious new arrivals like Quby. Over time as his thyroid condition got under control, he gained weight, confidence, developed a soft coat, and even started playing. Moonbeam chose his favorite people carefully and perfected a death stare for those who approached him uninvited. If he sat on your lap, you were considered a VIP. The rest of us were insanely jealous of our volunteers, Adam, Steph and Sara. Moonbeam is thriving in his new home, showing once again how special a senior adoption can be.
Here you have a cat that is really, really, out of this world. Venus is an adorable 2 yr old cat. She might seem shy and timid at first, but after some sniffs and pets, she will warm up to you fast. Her absolute favorite toy in the cafe is the fabric wand. Once you bring it out to her and start waving it around, you will end up in a sticky situation where you have her endlessly playing with it. When she’s done she will lay down and take a rest.
Speedy is a silly little snugglebug of a Maine Coon, surrendered to us as part of a bonded pair along with his shyer friend Dolores, both of them aged 9. Somehow both a bundle of energy who can’t get enough of rubbing himself against you and a lazy little furball at the same time, Speedy is full of love to give. He’d much rather be doing that than playing, evidently, as his method of play verges more towards “slap it kinda” as opposed to the traditional kitty play style. Nevertheless, Speedy is ready to get your attention.
Dolores, Dolores. She is bonded with Speedy, but Dolores loves to seek out somewhere super comfy and sit there when not patrolling around. You will often see her lying down in the comfiest spot imaginable. Looking to sit in your chair? Never mind, Dolores is sitting there. She still likes pets, and attention, and also loves to give everyone a little head butt every once and awhile. Her goal really is a mystery, but whatever it is, it makes here very happy.
Thoreau is a 10 month old boy who was surrendered to PAWS Wakefield because his person’s landlord did not allow pets. Thoreau welcomes you right as you walk in with a cute meow and a head butt. He would like nothing more than to get pet, play with a wand, or chase a spring toy.
Can you handle this much energy and cuteness? Ozzie is a 2 year old who was rescued by PALS Animal Lifesavers as a stray. Full of fluff and personality, Ozzie is committed to exploring your lap and showing off his Olympic wand jumping skills. He can get overstimulated with too many pets, so we try to control ourselves because he’s so purringly soft! Ozzie has an approved adopter and will be going to his fur-ever home in mid-September.
Adorable 1 year old Niles comes to us from PALS who rescued him from an overcrowding situation. While he can be a little timid at first of people and other cats, he will warm up to people quickly and provide expert head butts. He will surprise you with his leaping skills as he masters the feather wand and has shown a great fondness to Churo treats. Niles has an approved adopter and will be going to his furr-ever home in a few weeks.
Morgan is a one year old bundle of energy that was rescued as a stray. Within hours of arriving, he was already in the laps and on the shoulders of volunteers looking for love. We are especially fond of the extra toe he has on his front paw. Morgan arrived with some signs of irritable bowel syndrome, but after a lot of experimentation we discovered he's sensitive to chicken and beef and has being doing well on an all seafood diet. You can be sure there will be many photos of him side-by-side with Felix :) Morgan has an approved adopter and will be going to his furr-ever home in a few weeks.
We often don't get a chance to name a cat, but when we do we agonize over the possibilities. After much deliberation, experiencing his lap cuddles, and noticing some similarities to our alumnus Chips Ahoy, we settled on Oreo. Rescued by PALS as a stray, this one year old cutie will steal your heart with his glance and any cookies you have laying around. Oreo has an approved adopter and will be going to his furr-ever home in a few weeks.
Seamus is a 2 year old ball of fluff that wants nothing but your love and attention. He was rescued by PALS and was sadly left behind when his owners moved. Since he arrived, Seamus has been sitting in laps and even preferring love over food! He will always meow and beg you to sit down when you come close to him. He will always find a way to steal your heart.
Meet 9 month old Molly who has already been a momma and rescued by PALS Animal Lifesavers. She is sweet and friendly, coming out for pets right away. Although she is rather tiny, she has a big personality and loves to show off her play skills. When you look closely, you will be amazed by her extra toes on her front paws. Let’s see if she can open up the refrigerator like Rocky did!
Tony is a one year old orange cat with white on his chest. He has a special white fur heart on his belly. He is very soft. He is friendly and loves to be pet and play. Tony's favorite things include the go cat wand, packing paper, and cardboard boxes. Tony likes riding the cat back pack. If you adopt him, he will make your home very playful and happy!
Kacee is an adorable little 6-year-old dwarf munchkin who’s learning to love the big wide world. After being rescued by pals from an owner who could no longer care for her, she came to the Kitty Cat Cafe where she’s slowly learning to meet other cats, but is absolutely obsessed with people. She’ll be crawling all over you before you know it, and will happily play with the little dangly ropes on your hoodie or the loose string on that friendship bracelet. She’s not quite ready to go get her new home just yet, as we first need to help her lose a bit of weight and resolve some early kidney troubles she’s having. Her adopters have decided she will be called Maggie when she goes to her furr-ever home!
This special kitty just goes to show that you should never judge a book (er, cat?) by its cover. Before moving into the cafe, one-year-old Astro lived in a cage in PetSmart for three long months, where he wouldn’t let anyone really pet him. Since arriving at the cafe, Astro has flourished into quite the Astro-cat! This playful, affectionate boy is out of this world, excitedly greeting visitors at the door with great enthusiasm. He will accept cuddles, but first he must accept you! If he headbutts your closed fist, this means he’ll let you give him a few gentle pats. No amount of love is ever enough for this sweet, energetic boy, so he will repeatedly come to you for more cuddles and headbutts. All Astro wants is your unconditional love (and maybe a few Churos, too!).
Bianca is an energy-stuffed little one-year-old play fiend rescued from an overcrowding situation, who never seems to tire of playing chase with toy balls. She leaps and bounds and rushes around with unparalleled vivacity, before returning to a comfy spot and waiting a moment, only to start rushing about with just as much energy as she started with. She loves tackling her favorite boxes, and even if she’s not playing with anything she’ll keep an ear and an eye out for anything interesting that may be worth interacting with. There’s more vigor in her than you’d think could fit in a kitty.
Meet Callie, our first calico cat! This beautiful longhair came from the same house as Linus, a fellow cat at the cafe. This one year old ball of floofiness can be both social and reserved at the same time; she has just as much fun snoozing behind a couch as she does playing with the other cats. Callie loves treats and sitting on the laps of the cafe guests. If you can’t find her, don’t fret! She is most likely hiding inside (yes, inside) a hole in one of the couches.
Meet playful Felix! He is a cute, fuzzy 2 year old cat that of course, loves to play. He was rescued as a stray by PALS Animal Lifesavers. Felix is FIV+, but will be able to live a long life with the right nutrition and regular vet care. Felix can live with other cats, as we now know that FIV+ can only be transmitted through a deep bite, typically in wild outdoor settings. When he’s not in play mode, he likes to lay down and nap in the sun next to the window. He loves pets too, as well as chin rubs, opening his mouth in bliss. Felix likes to jump on people’s backs and shoulders. If you are a senior, he will love to jump on your walker. Felix was adopted together with Roxy!
Roxy is a 12 year old sweetheart who has been through rough times the last few years bouncing between homes until she was dropped off at a vet hospital. She has the most incredible purr and loves getting pets and rubs. When she arrived, she weighed 21 pounds which greatly affected her mobility. We worked on getting her braver, helping her to lose weight (19 pounds!), and working with the vets to help her with arthritis. Roxy is living it up with Felix in their pawsome new home!
This beautiful, four year old calico came to the cafe after being rescued from a sticky situation in Lynn. A past mother to many kittens, Tootsie prefers to hide behind the couch, but an occasional Churo will cause her to poke her head out and accept a few gentle scritches. Despite being shy, Tootsie is very sweet, even purring to those she is closest with.
We rarely get to name a cat, but when this 1 yo stray came to us from PALS and flopped across laps like a wet noodle, we instantly knew this cat would join the pasta category. Noodle is full of energy, love, and playfulness. He is very funny, loves to pounce, explore, get into silly poses, and is soooo curious about his new cat friends. His adopter moved to a new apartment just so she can have - and his new name is Picolino!
Bruno & Angellino
When you meet 4 year old Bruno and Angelino, the first thing you might notice is the fact of how much they are like Bailey and Remy, fellow cats who have been adopted. This pair of four year old brothers arrived at the cafe after their owner unfortunately lost her home. Since then, they have been making new friends every day, showing off their charming, charismatic, playful, chonky, and snuggly cat-titudes! These brothers can be hard to tell apart, but Angelino is the one with the white patch on his chest. He is very sweet, repeatedly coming to you for pets and professional-class headbutts that he can’t get enough of! Bruno is more on the shyer side, and prefers to hide in his cozy cat tree. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to play; he loves playing and hunting wand toys! Bruno and Angelino are truly one (or two!) of a kind, and they will most definitely steal your heart.
Sterling is a shy and sweet 3 year old who was rescued off the streets by PALS. He clearly got roughed up a bit on the street and also acquired FIV, but he’s coming out of his shell and loves his treats! He’s even sat on one of our volunteer’s laps a few times, so we’re hopeful he wlll become even more affectionate as he gets more confident.
Simon was rescued by PALS as a stray along with Jacqui before a recent cold snap. He is approximately 1 year old, a little shy, preferring to stay holed up in a little cubby than go out and explore. But even if he prefers to stay cozy by himself, he does appreciate a human giving him some love and care. If you take it slow, and let him get to know you first, he’ll gladly accept pats and scritches of all varieties. While only just learning to come out and see the world for himself, with enough encouragement from a human friend, he should learn soon enough that there’s a lot to see out there. You never know what can happen when you give a kitty a chance. Simon has an approved adopter and will be going to his forever home in a few weeks.
Suzie Q
Suzie Q is a one year old sassy girl who came to us through PALS. Not shy at all, her purr-sonality is full of playfulness and hungering for attention. She has white patches similar to the black and white pattern of a cow. She still gets overstimulated by too many pets, so we are giving her plenty of wand play time! Recently, she has started getting on laps and his enjoying having visitors take her for rides outside in her pink backpack. Bonus: it’s really fun to sing the Suzie Q song as you interact with her ) Suzie Q. has an approved adopter and will be going to her fur-ever home in a few weeks.
“I need scratches!” - Jacqui The Great 2025. Meet sweet Jacqui. She is a two year old black (and some white) cat. You could go up to greet her and all you need to do is touch her chin and boom, she rubs your hand and starts to purr! All she really wants is scratches. You may notice she has some white spots. She also loves walking around and doing things to keep herself busy until someone comes to pet her. She needs some space to herself though, because she does not, not, not like any other cats no matter what. However she loves people around her and unlimited pets. Jacqui is quite playful with ribbons and wands (she has been known to bring you the toy she wants to play with!), and will melt your heart with her belly flips.
Time to brush up on your Italian! Meet Micio, whose name translates to ‘pussycat’ in Italian. He is a two year old, super active and affectionate boy who was rescued as a stray. Very vocal and playful, all this gentle giant wants is your attention (and unlimited food!) He is also FIV+ but he can still live a long happy life with proper care, even with other cats, as FIV can only be transferred through a deep prolonged bite.
In Memory (Our Dear Cats Who Have Passed Away)
A feisty little soldier to himself, a cuddly cutie pie to the rest of us. Charlie, or Chuck, was an experienced veteran of the cat game with at least 12 years under his belt… Er, sweater. Thanks to some help from PALS Animal Lifesavers, he was able to be rescued and cared for into the lion-hearted little devil we had for 8 months. Charlie passed away on July 3, 2023 after a series of chronic illnesses. He touched so many of our hearts and we are so honored to have been able to give him a loving “retirement home”.
Scooby was an amazing 2 year old boy who passed away tragically from a congenital heart condition. He originally came to us as a feral cat with his bonded partner, Shaggy. They loved, cleaned, and protected each other for months as they got braver and came out of their shell. Scooby had been in our main cafe for about 6 weeks before he passed away, making strides in his confidence every day: playing with visitors, wrestling with Shaggy, making professional grade biscuits, and drooling when getting pet.